Txema Salvans at the Festival

date: 21/04/2018
start: 14:00
duration: 1h30
location: Rotondes- Platforme (Rotonde1) (map)
language: English
entrance fee :  5€

“The most intense way of observing everyday life”

Txema Salvans is a Catalan photographer born in 1971. He chose photography because “it is the most intense way of observing and experiencing everyday life”. Txema began studying biology at the University of Barcelona before joining the International Center of Photography in New York. His first exhibitions took place in the 1990s at the Museum of Modern Art in Madrid. In 2003, he exhibited at VISA for Image. Since 2000, he has authored many photo books. For the past two decades, Txema Salvans has developed a documentary approach outside the conventional photojournalist platforms, in photoessays that balance critical thinking with a poetic sense of humour. His book project “Nice to Meet You” (Actar, 2005) received the 2005 PhotoEspaña award for best Spanish photobook. “The Waiting Game” (RM, 2014), winner of the 2012 Iberoamerican Photobook Competition, explores prostitution and the necessity of desire along the Mediterranean coastline of Spain.

Txema will speak about his approach to street photography, how he starts a project and about his books.
The audience will have the possibility to ask questions at the end during the Q&A part.

In addition Txema will take part at the discussion panel after the conferences.

date: 21/04/2018
start: 14:00
duration: 1h30
location: Rotondes- Platforme (Rotonde1) (map)
language: English
entrance fee :  5€


LSPF 2017 – Slide Shows

In case you missed the LSPF and our slide night! Here are our slideshows!

Slide Night 2017 from Paul Bintner on Vimeo.

Dirk Mevis SPLux slidenight 2017 from El Dirko Meviso on Vimeo.

these moments… – Slidenight 2017 April – Giulia Thinnes from Giulia Thinnes on Vimeo.

The Old City, Jerusalem from remera on Vimeo.

DavidPhillipsSlidenight2017 from david phillips on Vimeo.

Mäi Lëtzebuerg | Streetphotography from Vääro Nick on Vimeo.

Asphalt Blues from paulo lobo on Vimeo.

Slidenight 2017 LSPF Catalin Burlacu www.ishootcolors.com from ishootcolors.com on Vimeo.

SPLux Slide Night 2017 – Luxembourg Street Photography Festival – EMOP from Christophe Van Biesen on Vimeo.

Slidenight 2017 from Tom Weis on Vimeo.

Conference with Jean-Christophe Béchet

inscription ici


Né en 1964 à Marseille, Jean-Christophe Béchet vit et travaille depuis 1990 à Paris.
Il a auparavant suivi des études d’économie (Aix-en-Provence, 1982-1985), puis de photographie (Arles, 1985-1988) avant de séjourner et de voyager deux ans en Afrique de l’Ouest (1988-1990)
Mélant noir et blanc et couleur, argentique et numérique, 24×36 et moyen format, polaroids et « accidents » photographiques, Jean-Christophe Béchet cherche pour chaque projet le « bon outil » , celui qui lui permettra de faire dialoguer de façon pertinente une interprétation du réel et une matière photographique. Héritier de la « photo de rue », qu’elle soit américaine, française ou japonaise, il a choisi de ne pas abandonner le terrain du « document subjectif » , associant reportage et paysage, portrait et architecture. Se méfiant des séries fermées sur elles-mêmes, il cherche dans chaque projet à révéler une spécificité photographique. Son regard sur le monde se construit livre par livre, l’espace de la page imprimée étant son terrain d’expression « naturel ». La place de l’homme dans le paysage contemporain, urbain comme naturel, est au centre de ses préoccupations. Il poursuit en ce moment un travail sur les grands villes Européennes, Asiatiques et Américaines et développe en parallèle plusieurs séries sur les territoires de Haute Montagne.

Après des études à l’École nationale supérieure de la photographie d’Arles, il devient photographe en 1988.

Il a été, avec Sylvie Hughes, co-rédacteur en chef de Réponses Photo de 1983 à 2015.

Il intègre l’équipe rédactionnelle de Fisheye en 2016.


page internet de J-C Béchet

événement Facebook

inscription ici


SPLUX @Troc’NBrol

It’s december again and Rotondes is hosting the 2016 edition of the Troc n’Brol!
The idea behind Troc’N’Brol remains the same as for the past 6 years: same substance, same rules, wonderful artwork auctioned by established artists and bidders forever grateful for the miraculous bargain and potential Christmas present.
However, Troc’N’Brol changes in its form: the event will run for two days as opposed to one. Here are the details :
Friday 16 December: swap meet starts at 6pm at Rotonde1. Music, food and drinks provided.
Saturday 17 December: bidding wars from 11am until 8pm
Around 8pm, the creatives announce the winning bids. Wanna know if you won something? Then, be there.
Works remain on the wall until 10pm.
Everybody can partake and engage in any type of bartering arrangements with the artists. Just be creative with it. There is always the possibility to overbid. To make an offer, stick a post-it next to the artwork of your choice, with the following information (handwritten and readable):
– the offer in detail
– your real name

5 of our members are show their work on both days.

Véronique Fixmer
Dirk Mevis
Christophe Van Biesen
Giulia Thinnes
Tom Weis